Please note that the information set out below is for all countries you intend visiting, not just Cambodia, although we have included some additional information that you may find helpful when in Cambodia.
Travel Health and Safety
Sensible Health & Safety Advice when away from your familiar surroundings. Always take good care of yourself, and be ready to assist all those in your charge
Travel Health and Safety
What’s it all about?
Taking a holiday should be exactly that, a holiday. A time to get away from routines and daily drudge. Some will appreciate the opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends. Others may simply want to escape all that and enjoy their own company.
How many years will I have to wait for my new knee?
Due to extremely long waiting times and limp excuses for that replacement hip, in the UK, many more are traveling overseas for medical treatment. Rather than spending years in debilitating, severe pain, waiting for an unpredictable appointment and treatment for hips, knees, teeth, cataracts, etc. Countries like Lithuania, Turkey, Hungary, and India, can sometimes reduce a couple of years waiting, to a very few weeks, or even just several days. It may be possible to incorporate treatment with a short holiday. However, understanding all the implications of what is on offer is important. Adequate insurance is sensible too, should something go wrong.
Prepare as much as possible
Whatever the reason for traveling, business, pleasure, or medical, it is important to prepare. During my years of extensive travel, I found it useful to have a prepared list of all the things I usually require. A few days before departure, consulted the list and assembled what I needed, placing those items into my locked case. It is surprising how easy it is to overlook the most obvious, arriving at the airport minus a stack of documents, including passport and tickets, minding their own business, sitting quietly on one’s nightstand.
Nothing to do with health, but you might find this interesting.
Since the word “nightstand” appears with different meanings in different countries, I should explain that in the UK, one’s nightstand is a single piece of furniture for convenient access to medication, perhaps an alarm clock, and maybe other overnight requirements. Usually found, standing next to one’s bed. Do not, however, confuse this with a one-night-stand, which may not be confined to standing all night, by the side of a bed.
Well, it’s all about taking care, and careful planning when venturing beyond your comfort zone
Before you travel, please read our following advice:
Travel Health and Safety
Very important:
Something else to consider before you go: medical costs, hazardous pursuits, unable to return to the UK, and no insurance!
Have you noticed that almost every day, in one news outlet or another, there are reports of those involved in some accident or illness? Those without funds or insurance to pay for their treatment?
One of the most common problems appears to be motorcyclists, and/or their passengers, receiving head injuries, through choosing not to wear a crash helmet. Of course, not just head injuries. Moreover, accidents can happen anywhere and are not limited to public roads. We can trip over uneven paving slabs, cut ourselves while preparing food, fall down stairs, and have a heart attack. A friend of mine, received serious injuries when a very heavy sliding metal gate, fell off its guide rail and crushed an ankle.
A little extra cost, to be insured
I find it interesting that some will spend thousands on overseas holidays, but not pay that little bit extra on comprehensive travel/health insurance. For those uninsured, we hear stories of families becoming virtually bankrupt, to settle huge overseas medical bills and possible repatriation costs, for an uninsured “loved” one. Some families will seek financial assistance via a funding website. However, the kindness of others may fall way short of overall mounting costs.
Hazardous pursuits
What are hazardous pursuits? The simple answer to this question is with your insurance provider. Thoroughly check all the limitations of cover and the inevitable exclusions. It may, however, be possible to add an additional premium, if, for example, you intend potholing, rock climbing, base jumping, or off-road motorcycling. It is worth mentioning that some insurance providers will not compensate in full, or maybe even part-way if motorcycles are involved. Not wearing a crash helmet and intoxication, may result in your insurance becoming invalid, and hefty fines to add to the misery.
What should I do to avoid problems?
Well in advance of travel, speak to an insurance provider, and get the coverage you need for the places you intend to visit and how you intend to spend your time while away. Additionally, be straight with your insurance provider about any pre-existing health issues.
While away, take extra care of yourself when in unfamiliar territory, and if I may say so, keep as far away as you can from motorcycles. In general, let someone else do the driving, in their own vehicle, a taxi or bus for example.
Make sure that your insurance covers third-party liabilities, all health-related costs, lost/stolen luggage plus some compensation for holiday cancellation. Also consider expenses for a relative or friend to stay behind, to take care of you while debilitated, and unable to leave your sick bed. Goodness me, I think I’ll have a week in Brighton instead…
Travel health and safety
Contact us: refer to our “Our Contact details” banner in the sidebar
Health and Safety for all your travels
Practice good hygiene, at all times: Please note that the above was originally intended to combat the spread of Covid-19. However, following the above advice every day may also help to prevent the spread of other ailments, within your family.
Fuzzykens Phnom Penh Travel Guide
Travel health and safety
Anything considered useful/relevant will be shown here. The Covid situation has changed dramatically but still important to be aware of the current situation and keep up to date. Ask your hosts, & regularly check local & national newspapers, TV, and the internet for the latest updates?
Keep up to date. Although mandatory wearing of face masks, in Cambodia, has ended, some businesses, schools, hospitals, clinics, etc. still require visitors to wear them, which of course is their prerogative, and must therefore be accepted, if you wish to enter their premises.
Wherever you’re traveling, don’t skimp on your insurance
Travel health and safety
The Covid-19 pandemic affected all travel. Revised rules result in updated regulations in many countries. Nevertheless, be aware that stricter entry requirements, health insurance, vaccination & visas, and last-minute changes, make it vital to seek up-to-date information, from appropriate authorities, well in advance of travel being booked.
Also, read the following:
Travel health and safety
Health and Safety for all your travels. When away from home, be extra vigilant in taking care of yourself and others in your charge. I hope that you will find the following advice helpful, interesting & useful.
Be aware that all medication, including such things as paracetamol, is only available in Cambodia at pharmacies, clinics, hospitals, etc., not convenience stores, as is sometimes the case in neighboring Thailand. You may also require a prescription from a registered doctor, for certain types of medication. Good idea to retain packaging from your medication, for reference purposes.
Should you need a pharmacy in Phnom Penh, may we suggest Victoria Pharmacy on Street 110, a short walk up from the river, open 24/7.
Travel Health and Safety
1 Have adequate cover for yourself & all those traveling with you and of course, make sure that you are covered for the entirety of your trip. Declare pre-existing health conditions. Failure to do so may invalidate your cover. Moreover, many insurance companies will not entertain claims for undeclared “hazardous pursuits”. Some may not cover claims in full, or even partway if motorcycles are involved. Be honest with your insurance provider. Take time to check limitations & exclusions. Understand exactly what you are getting for your money. Keep copies of insurance documents, proof of vaccines, contact numbers, and ID with you on all your travels, just in case.
Visit your doctor, in advance of your travels
2 Well in advance of travel, consult your doctor about vaccinations, and not just COVID-19, for the countries you intend to visit or transiting. For example, malaria, yellow fever, polio, cholera, etc. Also consider any additional, maybe seasonal health advice that your GP or travel provider may suggest.
Health and safety, what about your medication?
3 Long-term medication: Make sure that you have enough for the duration of your trip. Also, a note from your doctor stating what your medication is intended for could prove invaluable at the point of entry. Some countries may limit the quantity of medication carried & totally ban others. It is vital, therefore, to check with the appropriate embassy/travel provider, well in advance of your departure. Additionally, some countries may not have your particular medication. As a precaution, therefore, make sure that you have, at the very least, enough to “tide you over” should you experience any supply difficulties. Many pharmacies in Phnom Penh, but my favorite is Victoria Pharmacy (open 24/7) on Street 110, close to the river.
Travel Health and Safety
A little commonsense may go a long way
4 Dehydration is a serious matter & in severe cases can be life-threatening. Therefore, at least make sure that you have sufficient bottled water in your room. Should you feel unwell, inform your accommodation and/or traveling companions. Always seek medical attention if your problem persists for more than a couple of days. Nonetheless, cuts, scratches & insect stings & bites, should be attended to without delay & all animal/snake bites, etc. should be dealt with promptly, by qualified medical practitioners, who will be familiar with such matters, from a local perspective.
Travel Health and Safety
My personal advice: Avoid eating seafood unless you are really sure that it is fresh
Additionally, if you are feeling unwell, placing a “Do Not Disturb” notice on your room door, might result in “room service” being unaware that you need medical assistance. An important consideration when traveling alone.
5 Whether skies are clear or cloudy, ration your exposure to the sun’s rays, particularly at the hottest times of day. Nonetheless, always consider using a sunblock, & around sunset, a mosquito repellent.
6 When required, your hotel/guesthouse or courier/host, will be able to direct you, or perhaps even take you to a pharmacy, clinic, or hospital to suit your particular needs. However, don’t be afraid or feel embarrassed to ask, they’ve seen it all before!
Travel Health and Safety
Take care and listen to local advice
7 Local knowledge may prove invaluable. However, all advice, including that given here, must not be considered a replacement or substitute for professional medical know-how. Moreover, always consult your doctor before you travel & please take extra care, when away from your familiar surroundings.
© Fuzzyken
Travel Health and Safety
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